We're back at lovely number 9 guesthouse in Phonm Penh, just for one night then we head to Laos early tomorrow morning.

We had our last night with Alastair and Chris on Thursday, which resulted in ridiculous drinking games with buckets and some messy games of ring of fire! The boys have left us to go to Vietnam but we'll hopefully see them in a couple of weeks in Laos when we met up with Joel.

So it's back to just Nikki and me now. We've been travelling with other people for the past 6 weeks so it's quite strange for it to be just the two of us again. It was very quiet in Sihanoukville yesterday without any of the boys, we spent our last day by the pool, watched a dvd and were in bed by 9.30 for a very well deserved sleep! We were woken up at 7am today by the sound of horrendous Cambodian music being blasted accross the whole of Serendipity beach to celebrate a local wedding. This went on all morning, we were so glad to be leaving at 12 o'clock. Apparently the bride has 15 dress changes on the big day so the noise is probably still going on now.
It's a two day journey up to Four Thousand Island in Laos, were they have no electricity or internet so this will be the last you'll be hearing of us for the next few days.
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