After a couple of heavy days doing the sites, we thought we'd treat ourselves to a day of rest. We went back to 'Friends' cafe for breakfast and spent lots of money in their lovely shop!(I'm sure by now, all you readers have made a generous donation to the organisation!) Then we spent the rest of the day chilling at the pool of the fancy $150-a-night hotel behind us.
"Friends" cafe. How cute are the children's pictures in the background! We wanted to buy one but they weren't for sale.
Last night we went to a pub quiz at 'Lazy Gecko', of course we did not win, which is a damn shame because the prize was a bucket of money which we could really do with at the moment! Although we'd probably just end up giving it away to the street kids. Seeing as it was our last night in Phonm Penh we thought we'd have a big one, which meant back to the buckets!
The fabulous quiz team named "The Boom Boom Buckets".
The bus journey down to Sinhanoukville this afternoon was not too pleasant with our hangovers but we arrived safe and sound and nikki wasn't even sick! We are staying at some great bungalows near the beach called 'monkey republic' which has a cool bar, lots of hammocks, movie rooms, playstations and pool tables...everything a lazy backpacker needs. We even got free beer when we checked in, perfect! Just what we needed to cure the hangover.
We're going to spend the night in a hammock, a beer and a good dvd, ready to hit the beach tomorrow!
Laura.....YOU ARE ON A MOTORBIKE!!!! What happened?!!
Love to you both xxx
That was me xx
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