Well, after a couple of hiccups with immigration regrading Nikki's Hong Kong visa, we finally made it onto the plane and got to Jakarta safe and sound. We stayed in a beautiful cockroach infested prison cell, 32 degrees with a fan that didnt work. (Rich you would have been so proud of us).
After dumping our stuff in our lovely hostel we decided to check out the local nightlife. The best we could find can only be described as a well lit Fenwicks. Indonesian prostitutes, old fat men and a crapy band...Nikki and I felt right at home.
After taking a sleeping pill (thank you so much Rosie Jones!) we managed to get to sleep only to be woken up at 5am by the fucking muslim call to prayer, which lasted a good 20minutes! Then again at 7.30am. I swear there was a bloody megaphone was in our prison cell.
Today we decided to wonder around the city, obviously we got lost and walked around in a big circle for an hour, only to find out the street we were looking for was the street we had originally been standing on...we like to think of it as improving our map reading skills rather than getting lost.
We're now off to Yoyakarta on a 12 hour minibus (thailand all over again, oh, the fun). I'm going to stock up on bananas now so i dont have to eat any mingy tom yun gun at those crapy sheds they call service stations.
Hahaha, you two are brilliant. Glad you made it there ok. Keep us updated :)XXX
glad you both got away, have a lot of fun xx
I am very impressed, thats ghetto even by my standards. Makes the place in KL look like a palace!
Oh thank God you made it!!!I love the room btw!!enjoy xxxxx
More updates!!!!!
I so wish you were here to experience this George!!! You thought the hostels in Malaysia were bad!! xx
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